I write it as: four hundred and twenty three thousand million, ninety million, seven hundred and nine thousand.
Others write it as: four hundred and twenty three milliard, ninety million, seven hundred and nine thousand.
Whilst others yet write it as: four hundred and twenty three billion, ninety million, seven hundred and nine thousand.
As different people use different scales (I, and the first variant, use the long scale whereas the last variant uses the short scale).
the answer is east.
one-hundred and twenty-five thousand and ninety
A bearing is the angle made by a direction with the line pointing North, measured in the clockwise direction. A bearing is represented as a 3-digit number. So the bearing for North is 000, North-East is 045 East is 090, South is 180 West is 270 and just short of North is 359.
110cm x 119cm = 13 090 cm2 = 1.3090 m2
1mil = .001" So 90 mils would be .090" or a hair under 3/32" . MRC :)
10 090 000
2 090 000 in standard form: 2.09 x 10^6 ("2.09 times ten to the power of 6")
2 090 500 in word form is two million ninety thousand five hundred.
600 090 000 =(6x100 000 000) + (0x10 000 000) + (0x1 000 000) + (0x100 000) + (9x10 000) + (0x1000) + (0x100) + (0x10) + (0x1)600 000 000 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 90 000 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
I would write is 3.1008 x 1010 But it could be expanded to 3.100809003 x 1010
2,000,000,000+40,000,000+3,000+90+2 430 090 =2 000 000 + 400 000 + 30 000 + 0 + 0 + 90 + 02(1 000 000) + 4(100 000) + 3(10 000) + 0(1000) + 0(100) + 9(10) + 0(1)(2x106) + (4x105) + (3x104) + (0x103) + (0x102) + (9x101) + (0x100)
2 430 090 =(2x1 000 000) + (4x100 000) + (3x10 000) + (0x1000) + (0x100) + (9x10) + (0x1)2(1 000 000) + 4(100 000) + 3(10 000) + 0(1000) + 0(100) + 9(10) + 0(1)2 000 000 + 400 000 + 30 000 + 0 + 0 + 90 + 0
The Top 10 codes available for that Sony product are listed below! Codes: 500, 837, 090, 677, 185, 000, 511, 808, 846, 798
I have listed some codes for Sony below! You can also check the sources for more codes if needed! Codes: 500, 837, 090, 000, 808, 666, 798
In terms of bearings. North is at a bearing of 000 (always given as a 3-digit number). Move clockwise to East = 090, South = 180, West = 270. Intermediate angles as appropriate degrees.