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the answer is east.

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Q: Which direction has a compass bearing of 090?
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Which direction has a compass bearing 090 degree?

its East...

What is bearing of ship?

The compass direction of travel.

What is magnetic bearing?

It is a bearing (a direction) based on a magnetic compass reading.

Which direction has a compass bearing of 22.5?

North north east

Which direction has a compass bearing of 90 degree's?


Which direction on a compass has a bearing of 450degrees?

On a compass, the direction with a bearing of 450 degrees is located in the northwest region. The standard compass measures the direction in degrees, starting from North at 0 degrees and proceeding clockwise until 360 degrees. Hence, a bearing of 450 degrees is just beyond the West direction, which is marked at 270 degrees, and points towards the northwest. ⓗⓣⓣⓟⓢ    :⃝    /⃝    /⃝ⓦⓦⓦ    .⃝ⓓⓘⓖⓘⓢⓣⓞⓡⓔ②④    .⃝ⓒⓞⓜ    /⃝ⓡⓔⓓⓘⓡ    /⃝③②⑤⑥⑤⑧    /⃝Ⓡⓐⓙⓘⓥⓑⓙⓞⓝⓐ    /⃝

What compass bearing?

Heading indicates the direction the ship/aircraft/vehicle you are in is moving toward. Bearing is normally used to indicate the direction something else is relative to you. The ship was heading 085 and maintaining a station on the carrier at two miles and a bearing of 200 from the carrier. This is often the case where a ship or airplane is "pointed" on a bearing across the wind or current and "moving" on a heading that is the natural consequence of the combined forces on the hull.

Was does bearing mean in maths?

Bearing is a way of describing direction. It is a 3 digit number (including leading zeros). A heading due North is a bearing of 000. The bearing increases clockwise, so that East is a bearing of 090, South is 180, and West is 270.

What is the definition of the term bearing when it comes to aircraft direction?

The point on the compass your 'plane is heading for

What is a True compass bearing?

The definition of a true compass bearing - A true bearing is measured in relation to the fixed horizontal reference plane of True North, that is using the direction towards the geographic North Pole as a reference point.

How do you work out the bearing in maths?

A bearing is the angle made by a direction with the line pointing North, measured in the clockwise direction. A bearing is represented as a 3-digit number. So the bearing for North is 000, North-East is 045 East is 090, South is 180 West is 270 and just short of North is 359.

What compass bearing is south?

The definition of a true compass bearing - A true bearing is measured in relation to the fixed horizontal reference plane of True North, that is using the direction towards the geographic North Pole as a reference point.