Other ways to write 0.934:As a decimal: 0.9340As a fraction: 467/400 in its simplest formAs a percentage: 93.4%
467 + 1
160 is a decimal. You can write 160.0 if you want to.
you can write one thousandth as a decimal as 0.010.001
To convert 467% to a decimal divide by 100:467% ÷ 100 = 4.67
Other ways to write 0.934:As a decimal: 0.9340As a fraction: 467/400 in its simplest formAs a percentage: 93.4%
It is: 467 = CDLXVII which means 500-100+60+7
Cuatrocientos sesenta y siete
57 467/1000
467 + 1
4 hundred sixty-seven
how do you write a this as decimal 9265
you divide the numerator by the denominator on you will get a decimal and you write it 00.00 that is a decimal