0.48 = 48%
48/100 as a decimal number is 0.48
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 48/100 is equal to 0.48.
48%:= 0.48 in decimal= 48/100 or 12/25 in fraction
0.48 = 48%
48 hundreds = 48*100 = 4800 and that is it. There is no need to add a decimal point at the end.
It is 0.048
48/100 ( Forty eight hundredths) = 0.48
48/100 as a decimal is 0.48
48/100 as a decimal number is 0.48
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 48/100 is equal to 0.48.
4.8 = 48/10 = 24/5