A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 70 cents, exactly as in the question. If you wanted to show greater precision, you could write 70.0 cents.
3 cents in decimal
You would write 11 cents as $0.11 or $.11 in decimal form.
50 and a half cents as a decimal is 0.505
16.5 cents in decimal form is 0.165
Eighteen cents would be 0.18 as a decimal.
3 cents in decimal
70 cents in word form is seventy cents.
You would write 11 cents as $0.11 or $.11 in decimal form.
50 and a half cents as a decimal is 0.505
16.5 cents in decimal form is 0.165
Eighteen cents would be 0.18 as a decimal.
9.5 cents in decimal form is $ 0.095.
72 cents is 0.72
Three cents = 0.03
It is already in decimal form so 1.3 cents!
3.5 cents is already in decimal form!