When writing a decimal in word form, always move left to right.
Left of decimal- Write the number just as you would if there wasn't a decimal after it. Ignore the decimal and the numbers to the right of it, and just write the number to the left.
Decimal- Write "point."
Right of decimal- List the numbers from left to right.
Write these three in that order to find the answer.
Example You have 10056.07825. The number to the left is "ten thousand fifty-six", then the decimal is "point," and the numbers to the left are "zero seven eight two five."
The answer is "ten thousand fifty six point zero seven eight two five."
When you write a decimal like: 1056.2356 you would write it like this:
ten thousand fifty six AND (not point) two thousand three hundred fifty six ten thousandths.
0.10 in decimal word form is one tenth.
The decimal 1.14 in word form is: one and fourteen hundredths.
0.981 in decimal word form is: nine hundred eighty-one thousandths.
yes you can because your just write the decimal as the word and instead of the word decimal
40 = forty
four and seven
nine hundredths
Five tenths
fourteenandsixty thousandths