A Monomial is an algebraic expression containing only one term. For example:
5, xy, 36x2y, a, 14b are the examples of monomial.
The expression you gave is a monomial.
An odd monomial is an expression of the form axp where a is a numerical constant and p is an odd integer. As a reult of p being an odd integer, a(-x)p = - axp which makes the expression odd.
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How do you write an expression
The expression you gave is a monomial.
Mathematics. An algebraic expression consisting of only one term is called a monomial therefore:4x3 is a monomial it has only have one term.
no because there can not be division in a monomial
A monomial is a single termed algebraic expression. A variable can be a monomial, but usually it follows a coefficient. (ex. 3x; 4xyz; 5y2z3)
"Why is a constant a monomial?"The short answer is because a constant is a special typeof monomial.The reason for this is that the definition of a monomial reads: A monomial is"An expression that is eithera numeral (= a numerical expression which names a particular number, IE a constant),a variable,or a product of a numeral and one or more variables.""constant (monomial): A monomial consisting of a numeral only; a term with no variable factor. "
No. As soon as you have an addition or a subtraction, you have more than one monomial (in this case, 2 of them).
A monomial is an algebraic expression with only one term. One example of a monomial is 4x. Other examples are 4x^2 or 8/y
monomial binomial trinomial polynomial
Monomial is defined as consisting of one term or of a single term in mathematical dialogue. A monomial might also refer to an algebraic expression that consists of a single term.