You should write it as XXX898.70 where XXX is the three letter international currency code. Many countries use "dollar" as their main currency unit and using the symbol $ is ambiguous. Furthermore, many browsers will not support currency symbols so that they appear as garbled text.
nineteen billion, six hundred seventy three million, eight hundred ninety thousand and four
You would write it as "Ninety four thousand eight hundred seventy seven dollars and 35/100 cents".
Nineteen billion six hundred and seventy three million, eight hundred and ninety thousand and four.
One third of eight hundred ninety dollars and twenty eight cents is two hundred ninety six dollars and seventy six cents. Math doesn't lie, honey. Just divide that amount by three and you've got your answer.
Ninety-four thousand, five hundred seventy-eight dollars and ten cents. For check writing: ninety-four thousand, five hundred seventy-eight and 10/100 dollars
How do you write seventy-six ans ninety-eight hundred-thousandths
Eight hundred seventy six and ninety hundredths.
eight million, six hundred ninety-eight thousand, eight hundred seventy-nine
Eight million three hundred seventy-nine thousand eight hundred ninety-eight.
nineteen billion, six hundred seventy three million, eight hundred ninety thousand and four
two million, eight hundred ninety thousand, six hundred seventy-eight
nine billion, six hundred seventy-three million, eight hundred ninety thousand, four.
You would write it as "Ninety four thousand eight hundred seventy seven dollars and 35/100 cents".
Three hundred seventy-six thousand, eight hundred ninety.