1.333333 (draw a line over the last number to indicate that the threes contiue indefinitely)
.33333333333333333333...... (or simply write .33 with a horizontal line drawn above that)
8.33... usually write as 8.3 with a dot above the three to indicate that it is repeated (for ever).
you can write one thousandth as a decimal as 0.010.001
One third can be expressed as a decimal a couple ways. One way is .333... in which the ellipses signifies that the threes go on forever. Another way is to write .3 and put a line over the three, which also signifies that the threes continue on.
4 and one third written as a decimal is 4.333333333333...etc.
14.3333 repeating
33.3333 repeating
, but if you need to write it in 0.66 it just goes on and on like one third, but if you need to write it in two decimal places just say 0.67.
One third in figures is '1/3' (fraction) or 0.333.... (decimal).
One third as a decimal is technically impossible so the closest you'll get to is0.333333 Recurring.* * * * *Technically it is possible, but not n this site. You write the first 3 with a dot above it. That shown that the digit is repeated forever.
you write a 1 and a dot next to it and a 3 with a horizontal line above the 3
.33333333333333333333...... (or simply write .33 with a horizontal line drawn above that)
8.33... usually write as 8.3 with a dot above the three to indicate that it is repeated (for ever).