Well, honey, writing seven and seven-thousandths in decimals is as easy as pie. You just write it as 7.007. It's like balancing your checkbook, simple and straightforward. No need to make it more complicated than it needs to be, darling.
Fourteen and seven hundred forty-seven thousandths is written 14.747
Sixty-seven hundred-thousandths in decimal form is 0.00067
If it is grouped as "seven (hundred thousandths)", the answer is 0.00007. If it is "(seven hundred) thousandths", it's 0.7.
If it is grouped as "seven (hundred thousandths)", the answer is 0.00007. If it is "(seven hundred) thousandths", it's 0.7.
Four hundred ninety thousandths in decimals is 0.490
It is forty three and seven hundred twenty nine thousandths.
Well, honey, writing seven and seven-thousandths in decimals is as easy as pie. You just write it as 7.007. It's like balancing your checkbook, simple and straightforward. No need to make it more complicated than it needs to be, darling.
A hundred and eighty-five, five tenths, five hundredths and seven thousandths, I guess.