On the line to the left of the word 'dollars': Six thousand and 00/100
In the small block next to the dollar sign: 6,000.00
six thousand hundreds = 6,000,000 or six million.
This is how you write six billion two hundred million twelve thousand six: 6,200,012,006
600,000 is how to write six-hundred thousand in figures.
Seven hundred forty-nine million eight hundred seventy-six thousand and 00/100 dollars
One thousand six hundred and 00/100
Just like that.
One hundred eighty-six thousand, seven hundred seventy-three dollars and eighty-nine cents. For check writing you can write: One hundred eighty-six thousand, seven hundred seventy-three and 89/100 dollars
Six thousand and 00/100 dollars
One thousand six hundred thirty-six and 75/100.
One thousand six hundredFor US dollars: One thousand six hundred dollarsFor check-writing: One thousand six hundred and 00/100 dollars
One thousand six hundred fifty-six and 99/100 dollars
One thousand six hundred and 00/100 dollars
One thousand six hundred and 00/100 dollars
Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.