The Chinese were the first to use decimals. Decimals were developed and used in the 1st century B.C. in China and then spread to the Middle East and Europe.
decimals are used when you have part of a whole for examle .362598798 is part of a whole
there used
Before decimals were invented, people used fractions.
65890 54890 65690 25374 23743
Decimals are used when you are displaying a stop watch and time. Decimals are used you are counting money. They are used when gas stations display gas prices. They are used on receipts for purchases. They are also used when you are telling someone's weight.
It was first used in London, England in 1788 by a man called Mark Nowley who soon was a mathmatition.
decimals are used when you have part of a whole for examle .362598798 is part of a whole
Yes decimals are used in probability; also percent and odds.
decimals are used for prices like $2.95 fractions can be used for data
there used
Well, decimals can be used for voting.
Before decimals were invented, people used fractions.
Decimals are more commonly used.
When you are shopping or rounding decimals to the nearest price!
The first 40 decimals of pi are3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971-To get a lot of decimals simple search "decimals of pi" in Google - there are many pages.
65890 54890 65690 25374 23743
First 100 decimals of pi are 3. 14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 58209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679