There are places where this term is used.
1st- to compare fractions across an equals you are multiplying each side by the product of the denominators. It looks like you multiply the numerator of the left side times the denominator of the right and put that product on the left side.
Multiply the numerator of the left times the denominator of the right and put that on the right. In algebra this is good when looking for an unknown.
2nd- when comparing fractions to see which one is bigger you can multiply up from the denominator to the other numerator and compare these numbers to see which one is bigger.
definition of multiplying fractions?
Multiply straight across and cross reduce when necessary
Fractions and decimals are usually rational numbers. Besides, multiplying rational and irrational numbers is also similar.
no you do not
When cross multiplying, finding the product of the means and extremes, you are technically getting a common denominator that reduces out.
Cross-multiplying is when you have two fractions, and you multiply the numerator of each fraction by the other fractions's denominator. In other words, if you have two fractions a/b and c/d, cross-multiplying would be finding a*d and b*c. If a/b=c/d, then ad = bc.
Multiplying fractions is the easiest operation you can do with them. Nothing complicated is required, just multiply the top two and the bottom two. Simple as that!
definition of multiplying fractions?
I dont know the answer
Multiply straight across and cross reduce when necessary
it works when comparing fractions by multiplying the fractions to see whitch one is greater not greater and equal
Multiplying fractions is all about division
Fractions and decimals are usually rational numbers. Besides, multiplying rational and irrational numbers is also similar.
When multiplying 2 fractions, we multiply the two numerators together and the two denominators together.