The expression 5(10x10) relate to 10x10 in that it is 5 times 10 x 10.
10x10 = 100
There are a couple: (1+SQRT(5))/2 1/(2*cos(72)) (degrees only)
25, since there will be five columns x five rows.
10x10 egquals 100
10x10 = 100
10x10=102 or 10 squared.
There are a couple: (1+SQRT(5))/2 1/(2*cos(72)) (degrees only)
The expression I can only imagine is used to relate to something you are not physically part of. It means that you can visualize what the storyteller is saying.
35+40 divided by 10x10 is 0.75
This is ex. Of numerical expression 5-5, 5/5 5+5, 5*5
It is 5*f where f is an expression.
The output of the expression 11 5 will be 6. This is because 11 - 5 = 6.