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Q: How does using commas to separate periods help you read large numbers?
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What is a group of 3 digits separated by commas in a multiple number?

Commas are used to separate large numbers into groups of three digits. Each group is called a period.

Is there a program that adds commas to large numbers?


Why is it incorrect to use comas in the metric system?

Using commas in the metric system can lead to confusion, as commas are used as decimal points in some countries while periods are used in others. To maintain consistency and avoid errors, it is best to follow the standard convention of using periods as decimal points in the metric system.

Why you use commas when writing large numbers?

In representing large numbers, English texts use commas (or spaces) to separate each group of three digits. This is almost always done for numbers of six or more digits, and optionally for five (or even four) digits. This makes it easier to read the number without having to count how many place holders there are in the number as a whole.

In a number a group of 3 digits separated by a comma is called a what?

Commas are used to separate large numbers into groups of three digits. Each group is called a period.

How does using commas help you read large numbers?

They break down very large numbers into groups of 3 from right to left thus making them easy to read as for example 30,000,000,000 is thirty billion

Why are commas used in math?

In many countries, they are used to break up large numbers into smaller strings: of three or two digits to make them easier to read.

Where do you put commas in 3000000?

In large numbers, a comma precedes every third number (counting from right to left). So, 3000000 should be written as 3,000,000.

Why are commas used in large numbers?

They're simply used for clarity - to make the number easier to read.

How do you say 8.789.000?

Depending on your punctuation it may be eight million seven hundred and eighty nine thousand or eight point seven eight nine, the trailing three zeros are not significant in that case.When large numbers are represented to others that use numbers scientific notation is used to prevent confusion and to be accurate. However, it is more usual to use commas to separate groups of three when writing numbers.

Why is there decimal places in math?

Decimal places are used in mathematics for the same reasons that commas are used. Decimal places are used to break up large numbers in order to make them easier to read.

What is a number written with commas separating groups of three digits?

In much of the Western world, large numbers are grouped into thousands and powers of thousands - such as millions, billions, trillions etc. TO make large numbers easier to read, they are written in triplets comprising these "super-bases", with the triplets separated by commas. In some European countries, however, the role of the comma and the decimal point are swapped. The system of writing in triplets would not work with the Indic system where thousands are grouped in hundreds (for a lakh), and a hundred lakhs for a crore.