Math used to be called Arithmetic.
math can be used in almost everything!how is it used graph's for the weather
Math class.
I think they have all the stat sheets and stuff on their computers.
A sports agent applies math when determining how much a sorts player will be paid. A sports agent also applies math to figure out his percentage of payment.
You need to put out effort in order to do well in math and in sports. Math is also used in score keeping in sports.
math and buisiness (cant spell sorry!) i believe
Math and sports are two topics that may not seem to have a lot in common, but they are closely related. Math is a subject that is used to understand and solve problems, while sports are an activity that uses physical and mental skills to compete or perform. Math and sports both require problem-solving skills and an understanding of the system in which they are played or solved. In sports, math is used to analyze performance data and understand patterns or trends in the game. For example, a coach may use statistics such as batting averages or shooting percentages to evaluate the performance of individual players or teams. Math is used to calculate the score of a game, such as football or basketball. It can also be used to calculate the probability of a team or individual winning a game or tournament. In math, sports can be used as an example to illustrate concepts such as angles and trajectories. For example, the trajectory of a tennis ball can be used to explain the concept of parabolas. Sports can also be used to help understand probability and statistics. For example, understanding the probability of a team winning a game or tournament can help students understand the concept of probability. Overall, math and sports are closely related topics. Math is used to analyze performance data in sports and to calculate the probability of a team or individual winning. Sports can be used as an example to illustrate math concepts and to help understand probability and statistics.
Marc Roberts - sports agent - was born in 1959.
Roger Montgomery - sports agent - was born in 1971.
It doesn't have to do anything with math.
you go online and then type in, How do I become a sports agent? and then click on the first thingy that says, "Sports Agent Course - Become A Sports Agent and then find your way from there. Have a great day!P.S.(Use, not anything else) ( is awesome!) :)
The following websites (separated by a comma) offer information on how to become a sports agent:,,
A high school student hoping to be a sports agent should take whatever business courses that are available. It is also helpful to learn advanced math and economics, as well as verbal communication.
No, there is no amount of players you can have as a sports agent. The more you have, the harder it is to keep up with all their affairs. Usually, most sports agents have 1 to 3 sports players they are representing.