Imagine a clock: a circle is 360 degrees, so every 5 minutes is 30 degrees. If you started at 1pm and rotated it 90 degrees it would be 1.15pm
if you add them they will equal 90degrees.
Your question contains the answer. It is a 'right' triangle.
right angle
An angle of 90 degrees is known as a right angle. If the endpoint of a ray is placed on a line and is perpendicular to that line, two right angles will be formed on either side of the ray.
A trapezoid can have these specifications. 90 degrees by 90 degrees by n degrees<90degrees by n degrees>90degrees. The total of the trapezoid's angles must be 360 degrees.
This is called a right angle.
you get a piece of paper and draw half on it and then turn clockwise.
right angle
No, it equals 90degrees.
AB --clockwise-------------\ B C ----------------------------/ AC AB --counter-clockwise--\ CA C ----------------------------/ B
complement 90degrees-49 = 41degrees supplement 90degrees-49 = 131degrees
You rotate in a clockwise fashion
planet does not rotate in contour clockwise
Right angle is 90degrees acute angle is less than 90 degrees
if you add them they will equal 90degrees.
an obtuse angle is more than 90degrees and less than 180 degrees. this is call a reflex angle...