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Q: How long will it take an object dropped from a window to fall a distance of 78.4 meters?
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How do you calculate radiographic Diagnostic film length?

do you know about Penumbra calculation as its calculated from this? Ug=FxT/D Ug=Geometric Unsharpness F= Source or Window Size T= Object Thickness D= Distance from source to the front surface of the Test Object. Your Diagnostic film length is calculated from this. Depending on what standards you work to they will tell you how many shots to do on what thickness of material as well as distance shot from. there is a chart that can be referenced but i can't remember what its called. i will try & find out but i hope this helps

Is the 6 the width or length in 6x8 feet?

Conventionally the shorter measure is the width, so the 6 ft would be taken to be the width. However, it does not have to be, for example the width of a window is the distance from side to side regardless of the height of the window - with a short but wide window the width would be the longer measurement.

List 5 objects that are measured in meters?

any object that has form and volume is measured in meters.examples:length of a table, height of a man, height of the basketball hoop, the length of the track, the width of the window.

What are meters used measure?

A meter is a measure of length- a meter being just over three US feet. It is, of course, a unit of the metric system. There are 100 centimeters in a meter, and 1000 meters makes one kilometer. Meters are used to measure everything between the length of a ruler and the distance between things in a room. Most household objects such as tables, rooms, window frames, television screens, etc. would be measured in meters. Kilometers are used to measure long distances such as the distance between two cities or the length of a road. 1 kilometer is equal to 0.6 Miles. Centimeters are metric units of measurement that are useful for measuring lengths of small objects, just like the imperial unit of inches. Centimeters are smaller than inches; it takes 2.54 centimeters to equal 1 inch. Small units of length are called millimeters. It can be used to measure the thickness of a credit card for example. There are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter, or 1000 millimeters in 1 meter.

How many centimeter is a window?

How many cm is a window

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Is work done when a ball is dropped out of a window to the ground below?

No, work is not done when a ball is dropped from a window to the ground because work is only done when a force is applied over a distance. In this case, gravity is the force pulling the ball down, and there is no force acting against it over a distance.

It takes 0.230 s for a dropped object to pass a window that is 1.14 m tall From what height above the top of the window was the object released?

Assuming that acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/sec^2, then the required height is 0.75 metres.

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An object in free fall will travel approximately 4.9 meters in the first second. This can be calculated using the formula s = 0.5 * g * t^2, where s is distance fallen, g is acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and t is time in seconds.

A bus driver looks into a plane mirror 20 cm long which is placed 50 cm in front of him if the rear window is 500cm away from the plane mirror through what length of the rear window can he see whene?

The image distance in the mirror is equal to the object distance, and so the total distance the bus driver can see in the mirror is the sum of the object and image distances. Therefore, he can see a total of 110 cm (50 cm from the mirror to his face + 50 cm image distance + 10 cm remaining distance to the rear window) of the rear window through the mirror.

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create an object of that window and call "show()" Example: window wd = new window();;

A stone is droped from a window It hits the ground after 4 s How high is the window?

The height of the window can be calculated using the equation h = 0.5 * g * t^2, where h is the height, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and t is the time taken (4 s). Plugging in the values, h = 0.5 * 9.8 * 16 = 78.4 meters. So, the height of the window is 78.4 meters.

A boy is throwing a stone at a girl's window 3m high 10 meters from the house If the stone is thrown at 15ms at an angle of 31 degrees to the ground will he hit the window?

To determine if the stone hits the window, calculate the trajectory of the stone using the vertical and horizontal components of its initial velocity. The time it takes for the stone to reach the window can be found using kinematic equations. If the time is sufficient for the stone to reach the height of the window, then it will hit the window.

How do you photograph glass through a window?

Do you want to shoot pane of glass in the window? Shoot a glass object through the window pane.

What is the distance between the car and drive through window?

Depends on how close you get. You control the distance.

A ball dropped from a window strikes the ground 2.00 seconds later how high is the window above the ground?

Using the equations of motion, the height of the window above the ground can be calculated. Assuming the ball falls vertically under gravity, the equation h = (1/2)gt^2 can be used, where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2) and t is the time (2.00 seconds). Substituting in the values gives h = (1/2)(9.8 m/s^2)(2.00 s)^2 = 19.6 meters.