There are 18 - 21 three's depending on which picture you are looking at.
no, there is 8. look at what you typed. it couldn't be either of those figures. they are both longer than the number you gave. i believe you have a point to make, but you need to phrase it differently.
I SAID 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
depends there's 9 in the number because you say how many 3's are in this number so it's 1 three + 8 three's so it's 9 OR 21 in the photo. just a fact! normally it would be 8 in the number but they trick you by saying how many 3'S there are. they say three and then theirs 8 others in the number so it's a trick... FOOLS! YOU HAVE NO REASON TO PUT UP DOES ANIME GLASSES NOW I DO! HAH
pushes up anime glasses
(uncomfort for me in reality..)
28 3s
How many 3s are in 15
Well, darling, there are two 3s in 78. Simple math, really. But hey, if you need help with anything else, I'm here to sprinkle some sass on it.
3000/3 = 1000
There are: 21/3 = 7
24 of them