A square only contains right angles, so there are no larger angles than a right angle in a square. If you meant how many angles are there larger than a right angle, then there are two answers. Literally speaking, there is an infinite number of angles greater than 90o, but what you're probably looking for is types of angles. There are to types of angles greater than a right angle: Obtuse (90<x<180) and Reflex (180<x<360).
An angle smaller than a right angle - is an acute angle. Larger than a right angle, but smaller than 180 degrees is an obtuse angle. Angles between 180 and 360 degrees are reflex angles.
there are 4 angles and normally, there would be 2 angles that are smaller than a right angle Except of cause if the parallelogram is a square or a rectangle, all angles are equal to 90 i.e. right angle
Angles larger than a right angle and smaller than two right angles (between 90° and 180°) are called obtuse angles("obtuse" meaning "blunt").
quadrilateral with no right angle * * * * * More specifically, a rhombus.
It is a parallelogramIf one of the angles is a right angle (then they all are) and the quadrilateral is a rectangle.If both pairs of sides are equal in length (but none of the angles is a right angle) the quadrilateral is a rhombus.If the sides are equal and one of the angles is a right angle, the quadrilateral is a square.
No angles are larger than 90 degrees in a square based pyramid.
2, obtuse and reflex angles are larger than right angles A straight angle is larger.
Rectangle, octagon, hectagon, square...
NO, a square had only four right angle (90 degree angles). An obtuse angle is any angle greater/larger than 90 degrees. So a square has NO obtuse angles at all.
A square has four angles. All of them are right angles of 90 degrees.
A Triangle which do not have a right angle.
A square has FOUR right angles. Each corner is a right angle.
A square has four right angles. A right angle is an angle of 90 degrees. Right angles have two lines that are perpendicular to one another.
A square has 4 right-angles. A right-angle triangle has 1 right-angle
Each angle in a square is 90 therefore each angle is a right angle.
Every angle of a square is a right angle, because they're all 90o.
None of the angles between edges are greater than 90o - they are all 90o as each face is a square with a right angle at each corner, and each face is at right angles to the faces to which it is joined.