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Each metre stick is 100 centimetres long. Six of them placed end-to-end are 600 centimetres long in total, if you are an ant and must march from one end to the other without leaving the metre sticks. If you are a human observer viewing the entire arrangement, then the group still covers a total length of 600 centimetres IF they are all placed in the same straight line.

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Q: How many centimeters long would six meter sticks be if they were put end to end?
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How long is a meter to centimeters?

It is: 1 meter = 100 centimeters

How many centimeters long is a meter?

There are 100 centimeters in a meter.

How many centimeters long is it in one meter?

1 meter=100 centimeters

How long is one meter centimeters?

One meter has a length of 100 centimeters.

What are three things that are a meter long?

three meter sticks

How long i a meter?

1 meter = 100 centimeters

What are meaning of meter stick?

I am not fully satisfied with your question but if you ask a meterstick, it means a scale or ruler that is one meter long usually labeled in centimeters and millimeters. In another case: 1 meter = 19.689 sticks or 39.3698 inches.

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A better length question: How long in centimeters is a meter? 100 centimeters equals 1 meter. A better areaquestion: How large in square centimeters is a square meter? 100 times 100 = 10,000 square centimeters equals 1 square meter.

How long is meter?

100 centimeters.

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