

How many cents are one penny?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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The words cent and penny are synonymous; a cent is a penny.

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Q: How many cents are one penny?
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How many cents is in a penny?

one (1) or 1 over 100

How many pennies in .40 cents?

Forty percent of one penny (.40 cents) is not spendable; $0.40 is forty cents, or forty pennies.

How many pennies are in .50?

Since one penny is one cent, it is obvious that there are 50 pennies in 50 cents.

How many ways you make 94 cents without a penny?

You can not make 94 cents without a penny.

How much is a one penny 1944 worth?

About 10 cents

One dollar is equal to how many cents?

One cent, (aka one penny), equals one hundreth of a dollar ($0.01).

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The Lincoln penny replaced what penny?

Lincoln cents replaced Indian Head cents starting in 1909

If you put your two cents in and someone gives you a penny for your thoughts where does the other penny go?

Answer:In Great Britain 2 cents = 1 penny

haw many coins make 21 cents?

to make 21 cents there are many ways 21 pennies 2 two dims and 1 penny 3 4 nickels and 1 penny 4 1 dim 2 nickels and 1 penny

How much are pennies worth?

A penny is worth one penny. If you want to know what it is worth in some other currency you need to specify two things:the country whose penny you want the value for (there are many), andthe country in whose currency you want the value.And it is not enough to say cents or dollars or pesos because there are very many countries whose currencies are called cents, dollars or pesos.

Can you make 74 cents with 9 coins?

Yes, you can make seventy-four cents with nine coins: quarter, quarter, dime, nickel, nickel, penny, penny, penny, penny