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A wavelength by definition is the amplitude of motion over one cycle

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8y ago

1 wavelength = 1 cycle.

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Q: How many cycles are there in one wavelangth?
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Is the sortest wavelangth of visible light violet?

yes violet is the last color in the rainbow so it has the sortest wavelangth visible

What parts does a transverse wave have?

amplitude, wavelangth, resting point, crest

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How many cycles are there in ecosystem?

The various 'cycles' one observes within a system, are not really part of the system at all - they are merely part of the method by which we choose to study the subject. So one may have just as many cycles as one wishes to demonstrate the behaviour of parts of the system.

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How many write cycles are allowed to a RAM?

Only one cycle

How many cycles in 60 Hz?

A cycle is one complete revolution of the sine wave. Hertz is the frequency of the alternating current, how many complete cycles per second. 60 Hertz would have 60 cycles each second.

How can one go about seeing new Condor Cycles?

There are many ways in which one could go about viewing new Condor Cycles. One would have to live in regions such as California, where Condors are common.

How many fetch cycles a three byte instruction requires for its execution?

There are three fetch cycles in a three byte instruction. The first one is four clock cycles long, while the other two are three clock cycles long. Depending on what the instruction does, there will then be more read/write cycles.

How many recharge cycles can a iPod Touch do?

F*ck you. Thats how many cycles.

How many cycles in a minute in CPR?

30 compressions for one minute then a breath so it would be 2 breaths and 60 compressions