Fottballers have to train everyday, even if it's just for a while. But they have to stay fit and healthy.
7 days a week
7 days a week
There are 7 days in a week.
5-7 days a week
Each week has 7 days.Each week has 7 days.Each week has 7 days.Each week has 7 days.
3 to & days a week.
They train for at least 5 days but some wrestlers train when they want.
She trains 6 days a week, for 6 hours a day
5 times a dayy.
They train a couple of days each week
4-6 hours a day
5 days a week usually 6 days a week
they train for around 3 hours a day, depending on when they have a match will depend on when they train, they usually have a game on the Saturday or Sunday so they would be trianing 4/5 days a week, if they have a midweek game they would loose a day and a half of training
I would think they would train at least 5 days a week if they were responsible, but it depends on which player it is... some are just not responsible!
There are seven days in a week.