8 because there are 180 degrees in a triangle and 8*180 = 1440 degrees The interior angles of a 10 sided shape add up to 1440 degrees
a square,circle,pentagon
The number of degrees in any geometric shape is 180*(n-2) where n is equal to the number of side. Since an octagon has 8 sides, there would be 180*6 or 1080 degrees total in the entire shape.
If its interior angles add up to 3600 degrees then it will have 22 sides.
The whole shape has 540 degrees in it. To work out the amount of degrees in any shape - total degrees in shape = ((180 x number of sides of shape) - 360)
Exterior degrees 360 Interior degrees 540
360 degrees
900o To find the degrees in a shape subtract the number of sides by 2 and multiply it by 180. This gives you the number of degrees in a shape
540 degrees total degrees in shape = (( 180 x number of sides of shape) - 360)
The interior angles in a quadrilateral (4 sided shape) add up to 360 degrees.
If the interior angles add up to 72000 degrees then the shape has 402 sides
360 interior degrees and 360 exterior degrees
180 degrees
it is is 36 degrees who wouldn't know that