how many numbers exactly have 4 digits ? 8900, 8999, 9000, 9999
The answer will depend on how many digits you have at your disposal. Working with the 10 digits, and barring leading zeros, there are 8,877,690 numbers.
There are 5460 five digit numbers with a digit sum of 22.
There are 90 of them.
10 digits are numbers in the billions.
there are 899 whole numbers that have three digits.
There are 1260 composite numbers from 1 to 1500.
There are 5 numbers of 1 digit, 25 numbers of 2 digits, and 75 numbers of 3 digits. This makes 105 numbers in all.
how many numbers exactly have 4 digits ? 8900, 8999, 9000, 9999
They are 239 prime numbers less than 1500.
17 digits
There are 5*4*3 = 60 such numbers.