To determine how many times 2 can go into 74, you would perform a division operation. 74 divided by 2 equals 37, with no remainder. Therefore, 2 can go into 74 a total of 37 times.
37 with 2 remaining 150 - 2 = 148 = 4 x 37
74 ÷ 2 = 37
37 with remainder 2.
4 times with a remainder of 2
the answer is 2
37 ÷ 5 = 7 2/5 = 7.4 or it can also be considered as 37 ÷ 5 = 7 remainder 2.
37 with 2 remaining 150 - 2 = 148 = 4 x 37
74 ÷ 2 = 37
37 with remainder 1.
37 with remainder 2.
18 times with a remainder of 1
4 times with a remainder of 2
5 times with remainder 2.
335 divided by 9 equals 37 with a remainder of 2
2 times with a remainder of 3
2.3 times or 2 with remainder 11.