One lakh dollars. Although you may also wish to specify the country: US dollars or Hong Kong dollars or whatever.
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000)
60 lakh seconds!
One lakh is 100,000 do the answer is 10.
ther are 5 zeros in one lakh
1/50 lakh dollars = 2,000 dollars.
One lakh dollars. Although you may also wish to specify the country: US dollars or Hong Kong dollars or whatever.
=100,000 dollars
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000)
60 lakh seconds!
One lakh is 100,000 do the answer is 10.
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000). There are five zeros in 1 lakh. Three lakh is therefore three hundred thousand (300,000). There are therefore still 5 zeros in 3 lakh.
One hundred of them.
One Lakh is equal to one hundred thousand (100,000). There are five zeros in 1 lakh. Three lakh is therefore three hundred thousand (300,000). There are therefore still 5 zeros in 3 lakh.
ther are 5 zeros in one lakh
70 lakh dollars is 7 million dollars.