The circumference is 188 feet.
It would be about 56.5 feet.
"regular feet" are one-dimensional measurements. Square feet are measures of area--two dimensional measurements. A square foot is a square that has foot long sides. 9 square feet are the area equivalent of 9 square feet.
A linear foot is the same as a foot so the answer is 5.
An eight-foot wide round table is 50.27 square feet.
5 feet
19 feet!
Up to 8,797.1 gallons.
The circumference is 188 feet.
A 22-foot round pool that is 4 feet deep holds about 43,238.5 liters of water.
78.54 ft2
Does "15 foot round" refer to Perimeter, Diameter or Radius.
Twelve feet of water in a 10-foot round pool is approximately 7,080 gallons.
1809.56 ft3