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It is a permutation problem (any number can be used repeatedly), it will become 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256 four digit numbers. If each number can only be used once, then the answer is 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24 four digit numbers.

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Q: How many four digit numbers can be made using 1-2-3-4?
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How many four digit numbers can you make using the digits 1234 and the 2 and 3 must be next to each other?

Twelve of them.

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1234, 2637, 7777, 2727 are examples of a four digit number. So any random four numbers are four digits.

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4*3*2*1 = 24

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How many four-digit numbers can you make using the digits 1234 without repeating any of the digits in the same number?

4 x 3 x 2 ie 24

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How many place combinations in a four digit number and all have to go in different spot example: 1234, 4321, 2134 etc. numbers can't change and have to stay four numbers?The answer would be 36 different combinations. This is simply the counting principle and it's easy for anyone to learn.

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1234, 1235 and 1236.

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The four digit multiples of 1234 are:1234 (1234x1)2468 (1234x2)3702 (1234x3)4936 (1234x4)6170 (1234x5)7404 (1234x6)8638 (1234x7)9872 (1234x8)Multiplying 1234 by 9 give the 5 digit number 11106, so the largest 4 digit multiple of 1234 is 9872.

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Total possible 4-digit numbers= 1000, 1001,...,9999 = 9000 Total with same digit numbers = 1111,2222,...,9999 = 9 9000 - 9 = 8991