24" x 24" x 36" = 89.8 US gallons.
0.212 331 gallons per foot.
There are about 7.48 US gallons in a 12 x 12 x 12 (or 1728) cubic inch container. (That's a cubic foot, but you probably knew that.) There are about 12,926.3 US gallons in a 12 x 12 x 12 cubic foot container. Other units of measure of your 12 x 12 x 12 container will yield different results.
Assuming that 18 inches refers to the diameter, it will hold 55036 Imperial gallons.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the pipe questions now? Alright, so a 6-inch pipe with a length of 10 feet would hold approximately 7.4 gallons of water. But like, who's measuring water in pipes these days anyway?
10.38961 gallons (rounded)
19.64 US gallons.
This is an 80 gallon tank.
Approx 40.5 US gallons.
41.5 US gallons.
57600 gallons. All u do is find the volume : v= lwh
24" x 24" x 36" = 89.8 US gallons.
33x32.75x62.75=67817.06 cubic inch 1 cubic inches = 0.00432900433 gallons 67817.06x0.00432900433=293.58 gallons
The space inside that container is (32 x 27 x 6) = 5,184 cubic inches = 22.4416 gallons (rounded)
An 18x12x9 inch container holds approximately 3.56 gallons of liquid.
Approx 18.18 US gallons. Here's how: 1 US gallon = 231 in³. So we have (14 in)(50 in)(6 in)/(231 in/gallon) = 18.18 gallons.
If the dimensions given are in inches then:36 in x 16 in x 16 in = 9216 in39216 in3 = 39.90 US liquid gallons9216 in3 = 34.29 US solid gallons9216 in3 = 33.22 UK gallons