In a pipe with diameter 8 ft, there will be just over 376 US gallons per foot.
36.83 u.s. gallons of water in 1 ft. of 30" pipe
There need not be any water at all in the pipe. The capacity of the pipe is approx 3.4 Imperial gallons.
0.212 331 gallons per foot.
16" pipe per foot = 9.17 Gallons for 16" SCH 40 pipe we just had to figure it out in our engineering department was looking for a short cut and ran across your post.
A 2 ft wide pipe, 1 foot long, will contain 23.5 gallons (US).A 2 ft wide pipe, 1 foot long, will contain 23.5 gallons (US).A 2 ft wide pipe, 1 foot long, will contain 23.5 gallons (US).A 2 ft wide pipe, 1 foot long, will contain 23.5 gallons (US).
36.83 u.s. gallons of water in 1 ft. of 30" pipe
One foot of 3 inch pipe will hold approximately 0.625 gallons of water.
The capacity of one foot of a pipe with an inner diameter of 20 inches is approx 1.36 US gallons. The maximum amount of water is, therefore, 1.36 gallons, but there need not be any water in the pipe.
There need not be any water at all in the pipe. The capacity of the pipe is approx 3.4 Imperial gallons.
0.255 gallons per foot of pipe. A 10 ft long pipe that size holds 2.55 gallons.
0.212 331 gallons per foot.
0.61 * d2 Where d is the diameter of the pipe in inches.
A 12 inch diameter round pipe will hold 4.89 UK gallons or 5.88 US gallons per foot.
For a 3 foot diameter pipe, 52.9 US gallons per foot of length.
It will hold 477.4 gallons of water per 1,300-foot section.
Over 9,000.
The volume of water in a 1 inch x 100 foot pipe is: 4.08 US gallons.