The length of Earth's equator is about 38,622 kilometres.
That's generally written as "What goes around the world and stays in a corner?" The answer is a stamp.
around the world
It is implied that you have already accounted for some gases and the question is about other gases. But you have provided no information about which gases you know about. Furthermore, there is no information on the context: is it the earth's atmosphere? That of another planet or satellite? Products of some chemical reaction?
75% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 3% other gases.
it been polluted by gases everywhere around the world
there are allot of gases go to google
Greenhouse gases prevent heat escaping to space. Too high levels of greenhouse gases mean that the earth's surface, atmosphere, and oceans are becoming warmer and warmer, all around the world. This is called global warming, and it is causing climate change.
The gases that are around us are 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% carbon dioxide, argon and other gases
No. Greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat, so they lead to warmer temperatures all around the world, including at the south pole.
how many Elaine's are around the world
there are so many gases
How many American Army bases are there around the world?
how many seas around the world are named for colors
Sunspots are areas of gas on the sun that are cooler than the gases around them.
Earth's atmosphere makes up a blanket or an envelope around it, which is a mixture of many gases.