That really depends on the quality of the video. A low-quality video may use 1 megabyte (not gigabyte) per minute, or a few megabytes per minute. A DVD, which is already high quality, has 4.7 gigabytes for a capacity of perhaps a little over 2 hours (120 minutes). A Blu-ray disc, which has a still higher quality, uses about 25 gigabytes for the same playing time.
The concept of measuring time in gigabytes is not accurate. A gigabyte is a unit of digital storage capacity, not time. It represents 1 billion bytes of data. Time is measured in units such as seconds, minutes, and hours.
A Gibibyte (GiB) is a unit of digital information storage equal to 2^30 bytes. One byte is equal to 8 bits, and one bit can represent a binary value of 0 or 1. Therefore, 1 Gibibyte is equivalent to 2^30 * 8 bits. To convert this to minutes, we need to know the data transfer rate in bits per minute to calculate the time it would take to transfer 1 Gibibyte of data.
There are 1024 mb in a gb, so no, 128mb is less than one gb.
One gigabyte is 10^9 bytes, or 1 000 000 000 bytes.
There can be no equivalence. A gigabyte is a measure of opto-electronic storage while a trillion is a pure number. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, any attempt at conversion from one to the other is fundamentally flawed.
YouTube videos come in different qualities. The amount of space those movies take will depend quite a lot on the quality. In any case, it will be at most several MB, not GB, per minute.
The concept of measuring time in gigabytes is not accurate. A gigabyte is a unit of digital storage capacity, not time. It represents 1 billion bytes of data. Time is measured in units such as seconds, minutes, and hours.
The number of movie minutes that can fit in one gigabyte depends on the quality of the video. For high-definition video, you may fit around 5-8 minutes per gigabyte, while for standard definition video, you may fit around 15-20 minutes per gigabyte.
200 - 250 per gigabyte. One minute of song is approximately 1,000 kilobytes. i dont know ? :|
The storage space per minute varies a lot depending on the quality of the sound; but for a typical MP3, you can calculate about a MB per minute. That would give you about 30 MB for half an hour; in other words, much less than one GB.
250 3-4 minute songs can fit in 1 GB. 1 TB is 1,536 GB. So, about 384,000 3-4 minute songs can fit in one TB.
it isn't one Gigabyte it is a fraction of one. 1024Mb Is one Gigabyte.
One gigabyte will hold about 250, 4-minute songs. A 32GB iPod only has about 28GB of storage available. So a 32GB iPod will hold about 7,000 songs.
There is exactly one gigabyte in a gigabyte.
A 2 GB SD card can be used in many modern digital products. Some of which include: cell phones, photo cameras, video cameras, laptops, tablet computers etc
One GB
The amount of GBs that a playoff hockey game would use depends entirely on the particular game. There is no one single answer. There are many such video games for different gaming platforms.