66 total handshakes are made. See related question at the bottom for the explanation.
Each handshake involved 2 people so 12 guests: Guest A made 11 handshakes, B 10 having already been counted as an A-B handshake, C 9 etc for 2 ppl thr is 1 hand shakefor 3 thr is 3(1+2)for 4 thr is 6(1+2+3)hence12 ppl coz..sum of 1st 11 is 66...
Brian can serve 6 people.
spell check
Depends what you mean, if you mean if everyone shakes hands just once then N-1 handshakes are made. If you mean if everyone shakes hands with everyone else then the answer is (N-1)+(N-2)+....+2+1 (we dont include N as they're not going to shake their own hand, obviously) written as Σn-1i=1 i, this is a arithmetic progression and so the total number of handshakes will be equal to (1+(n-1))(n-1)/2
you do not need to shake hands to make a deal, it is a myth that people believe you need to do but the only reason people started doin it after a deal is made to show a sign of friendship
If you multiply anything by 2 it always comes out even. So if people make 35 handshakes, we multiply it by 2 and we get 70 people. This will work with any different number of handshakes, odd or even.
66 total handshakes are made. See related question at the bottom for the explanation.
He feels he is being made fun of
Assuming that each person shakes hands with every other person, there are 12 people. Let n be the number of people. Then each person shakes hands with (n-1) people and if you ask every person how many hand shakes they made and total them you will get a total of n(n-1) handshakes. However, each handshake involves two people and has been counted twice - once by each person that shook hands - thus number of hand shakes is half of this, giving: n(n-1)/2 = 66 ⇒ n(n-1) = 132 ⇒ n2 - n - 132 = 0 ⇒ (n - 12)(n + 11) = 0 ⇒ n = 12 or -11 You can't have -11 people, therefore there are 12 people.
The reason mark Antony shakes the conspirators hands is because it's showing the death bond they have just made.
Shake Hands With a Poor Boy - Kingsmen Quartet I've never had much, in this world below But I'm going to a city, where the streets are pure gold Christ made me an heir; I'm the child of a king Shake hands with a poor boy, who owns everything I'm depending on heaven, for my home in the sky Already I'm heading, for that sweet bye and bye But I've been adopted, and placed with a king Shake hands with a poor boy, who owns everythinh Chorus: Shake hands with a poor boy, and how do you do Have you met my Father? He cares about you He's the king of all glory, His praises I'll sing Shake hands with a poor boy, who owns everything
The question is ambiguous:If each girl shakes one other person's hand once, then there are seven (7) handshakes.If each girl shakes each other girl's hand once, then there are 7 x 6 x 0.5 = 21 handshakes (each girl x each other girl x cancelling out the doubles).Another way to look at this one:If each girl shakes each of the other girl's hand once, there would be 42 shakes (each girl shakes 6 hands, times 7 girls, an assupmtion is made that each girl is not shaking her own hands, you can't tell much from the question so assuming ensues)
* If a person does not extend their hand to be shaken then don't shake their hand. If you are making a deal in business or if you have made up with a friend (especially males) then you can extend your hand to be shaken. Shaking hands is to seal a deal of good faith in all areas of society.
Each handshake involved 2 people so 12 guests: Guest A made 11 handshakes, B 10 having already been counted as an A-B handshake, C 9 etc for 2 ppl thr is 1 hand shakefor 3 thr is 3(1+2)for 4 thr is 6(1+2+3)hence12 ppl coz..sum of 1st 11 is 66...