30 based on a 37.5 hour week
Depends how many days in the month. 120 / number of days = hours per day eg 30 days in the month: 120 / 30 = 4 hours per day
The month of June typically has 30 days. To calculate the total number of minutes in June, you would multiply 30 days by 24 hours in a day, which equals 720 hours. Finally, you would multiply 720 hours by 60 minutes in an hour to get 43,200 minutes in the month of June.
2.5 hours is equal to 25 tenths of an hour.
There is 30 minutes in a half hour. There is no hours in half hours.
There are between 160 and 184 work hours in a month, depending on how many work days occur within the month.
A 29 day month has 696 hours, a 30 day month has 720 hours, and a 31 day month has 744 hours.
Ignoring statutory holidays and the variation of days in a month, you could work it out this way:-there are 52 weeks in a year - thus 30*52 = 1560 hours a year.there are 12 months in a year - thus 1560/12 = 130 hours a month.
Depending on the month. If it's 30-days-based month, then it would be 37/30, which is 1.23333333.... hours per day.
The answer depends on how many paid hours per month.
30 based on a 37.5 hour week
well i just started and i work 10 hours a month at 8 dollars an hour
It will vary, since months have differing numbers of days. If you figure 4 forty hour weeks, that's $23.13 an hour.
Depends, it is based on outs. It can vary from an hour to multiple hours
That depends on how many hours you work. If you work 40 hours a a week there is 173 hours in one month, so you would make40 x 173 = $6920 per month
Untill they are full. Average is about an hour a day, so 7 hours a week, 30/1 a month, and 365 hours a year.
There are 730 hours in 1 month.