Depends how many days in the month.
120 / number of days = hours per day
30 days in the month:
120 / 30 = 4 hours per day
120 hours is 5 days. There are 24hours in a day so 120/24 =5
There are 24 hours in a day, so there are 120 hours in 5 days, with no minutes or seconds remaining. To get minutes or seconds in a 5 day period, use what you know about how many minutes in an hour, and how many seconds in a minute.
2 hours = 120 minutes or 1/12 of a day
Say the average month has 30 days, and 24 hours in a day then 30*24 = 720.
If you're in school for 6 hours a day and 5 days a week, it should be about 120 hours.
A 29 day month has 696 hours, a 30 day month has 720 hours, and a 31 day month has 744 hours.
120 hours is 5 days. There are 24hours in a day so 120/24 =5
744 hours in a 31 day month and in a 30 day month there is 720 hours in a 29 day month there is 696 hours and subtract 24 to 696 and it subtracts to the sum of a 28 day month in february
If you are working 8 hours a day, then 120 hours would be equivalent to 15 days. This is calculated by dividing the total number of hours (120) by the number of hours worked per day (8). Therefore, 120 hours divided by 8 hours per day equals 15 days.
720 hours.
In a 30 day month they are 720 hours. In a 31 day month they are 744 hours. In a 28 day month they are 672 hours. In a 29 day month they are 696 hours.
Depending on the month. If it's 30-days-based month, then it would be 37/30, which is 1.23333333.... hours per day.
in a 30 day month 720, in a 31 day month 744, in a 29 day month 696, in a 28 day month 672.
depends how many hours they work and use a calculator to do how many hours they work a day and times it by how many days in a month.
There are 30 days in a month and each day has 24 hours. This is how we calculate.
160 hours is 6 days and 16 hours, which is about 0.22 or 2 ninths of a 30 day month.