Friday 11pm to Monday 11pm is exactly 3 days or 72 hours.
60 hours elapse between 6 PM on Friday and 6 AM on Monday.
72 hrs
The answer depends on whether you start from 0:01 am on or 11:59 am on Friday to 0:01 am on or 11:59 am on Monday. The answer can range between just over 60 hours to just under 84 hours!
I work Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM to 3 PM. How many hours is that?
It is 65 hours.
Friday 11pm to Monday 11pm is exactly 3 days or 72 hours.
60 hours elapse between 6 PM on Friday and 6 AM on Monday.
21 hours
113 hours
109 hours
72 hrs
There are 72 + 168n hours where n is an integer.
The term 'Friday - Monday' means Friday through Monday(Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday).
70 hours, 5 minutes
62 hours.62 hours.62 hours.62 hours.
The answer depends on whether you start from 0:01 am on or 11:59 am on Friday to 0:01 am on or 11:59 am on Monday. The answer can range between just over 60 hours to just under 84 hours!