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depends on where u live, equator has 12 hours of light, but the true is that generally the same amount of time.

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Q: How many hours of day light do you have during an Equinox?
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About how many hours of daylight will there be in the Northern Hemisphere on the fall equinox?

The equinox is the point in time where the Sun crosses the equator and there is no tilt to the Earth, thus there are approximately the same number of hours of light and darkness in both hemispheres. The term "equinox" comes from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night).

How many hours of day light do the US get in a day?

this depends where in the united states you are and when you are in the united states; by when i mean what month. This depends on where the sun is compared to your locations as for the autumnal and spring equinox it is 12 hours. (equal = equinox) and for the winter and summer solstice it is either about 8 hours or about 15 hours. sorry for my grammer i am only in 8th grade

How many hours of daylight do you have on the equinox?

depends on where u live

How many hours of daylight does the US experience on the winter equinox?

About 12 hours depending on latitude

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How many hours of daylight do the poles have on an equinox?

On the equinox, there is 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night everywhere except the poles. At the poles, the equinox means that the sun is either rising for the first time in 6 months or setting for the first time in 6 months.

How many degrees latitude will the sun be at noon during Fall Equinox 2008?

At the equinox, the Sun will be directly above the equator, 0 degrees latitude.

How many hours of sunlight does the arctic receive in the summer months?

During the summer months, the Earth's northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. As a result, areas north of the Arctic Circle (i.e. north of 66.5622° latitude) will experience what is called a midnight sun during the Summer Solstice - a phenomena where the sun does not fully set (i.e. there is 24 hours of sunlight on this day).The exact number of hours of sunlight that occur on other days during the summer will depend on where you the specific location within the Arctic circle and which day you are referring to. Between the Spring (or Vernal) Equinox and the Fall Equinox - days where all locations on Earth experience an equal number of sunlight and nighttime hours - the number of hours of sunlight will vary between 12 (at the equinox) and 24 (at the Summer solstice).

How many hours of darkness in 1 year?

It depends on where you are Not Really, If you live on the Equator, Every 24 hour period has 12 hours of daylight, and twelve hours of darkness. For every one else, there are only two 24 hour periods during the year When daylight hours equal night hours. These two days are the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox. (Equinox means equal). If you account for the differences in the number of daylight and dark hours in a 24 hour period, over an entire year, the average is 4380 hours each for daylight and darkness.

How many hours of light is there in the sunniest place?

there are 18 hours of light in shara

How many times a years does an equinox occur?

liedlihqwlkhdaLDHLISHLSAD'S Equinoxes occur four times a year. The Vernal Equinox occurs in March, the Summer Solstice occurs in June, the Autumn Equinox occurs in September, and the Winter Solstice occurs in December.

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