Hours cannot be converted to km. Hours is a measure of time and km is a measure of distance.
1 hour, 50 minutes, 46.15 seconds
Your confusing Time (hours), with Length (Kilometers).
7.5/1.5 = 5 km per hour
The time it takes to walk 0.5 km depends on the individual's walking speed. On average, a person walks at a pace of about 5 km/h. Therefore, to walk 0.5 km at this pace, it would take approximately 6 minutes. However, this time may vary based on factors such as terrain, fitness level, and walking speed.
9/6 hours To walk 9 km at 6 km/hr will take one and one half hours.
how many km's you walk will be proportional to how many mm's you eat.
Depends on how fast you walk.
5 hours.
You will walk 8.04672 km
36 hours
Hours cannot be converted to km. Hours is a measure of time and km is a measure of distance.
You can walk 1 km in 6 minutes if you can walk a mile in 10 minutes.
17km 550m
A league (common unit of measurement in western Europe) was originally intended to represent the distance a person could walk in an hour. In many cases it was equal to 3 miles or 4.828032 km.
How many road miles is 403 km?
He needs to walk for 18 seconds to travel 5 metres at 1 km/hr.