there are infinitely many segments in a line.
The shape you are describing is a hexagon. A hexagon has six sides, which are made up of six line segments. Since it does not have any right angles, the sum of its interior angles must be less than 540 degrees, and therefore two of its angles are less than a right angle.
Select any point inside the hexagon and draw a line segment to any point on the boundary of the hexagon. Draw 7 more such segments. These will divide the hexagon into 8 parts. The parts will not be equal but that was not a requirement of the question.
Line segments are lines so the answer is 3.
How many Line Segmants are in a Hexagon?
6 hex=6
No, it contains line segments, not rays.
There are two parallel line segments in a hexagon. There are also four 90 degree angles that are perpendicular to one another.
The answer is hexagon because if it is formed by curved, line segments, or both it is definitely hexagon!
A hexagon is a polygon that consists of six straight line segments and six interior angles. It has 720 degrees.
A HEXAGON. Opposite sides of a regular hexagon are parallel. There being three sets set at different angles.
there are infinitely many segments in a line.
You are an irregular hexagon.