It has 3 lines.......
7 horizontal lines and 10 vertical lines how many rectangles?
Infinitely many. There are infinitely many lines from the apex to the base. Every point on each of these lines is on the surface of the cone.
40 lines.40 lines.40 lines.40 lines.
Infinite lines of symmetry
1 lines
It has 2 symmetry lines
None normally unless it's in the form of a rectangle which has 2 lines of symmetry.
Depending on the triangle, there may be three, one, or none.
Any rectangle has two lines of symmetry - one dividing it in half horizontally and one vertically, both passing through the center.
There are no lines of symmentry in a scalene triangle. If you were to put a line anywhere in a scalene triangle, the two sides would not be symmetrical because scalene triangle has all different sides and all different angles.
four just like a square
A coral REEF (the biome made of corals) shows no symmetry.
Lots of shapes have symmertry so find out yourself LAZY1!