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1 second = 1 million microseconds.

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Q: How many microseconds are used to make a second?
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Related questions

What is microseconds?

Microseconds are a unit of time measurement equal to one millionth of a second. They are often used in technology, scientific experiments, and computer systems where very precise timing is required.

What is 39.51 rounded to the nearest second?

The answer depends on the units used for 39.51 It should be blindingly obvious to anybody that the answer for 39.51 microseconds and 39.51 days, for example, will be very different.

How many picoseconds are used to make 1 second?

1 second = 1 trillion picoseconds.

What is 343200 rounded to the nearsest second?

The answer will depend on the units used for 343200. Are they days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds? Since you have not bothered to provide that information, I cannot provide a sensible answer.

How far can a nuclear bomb go before running out of fuel?

The processes (fission and fusion) that release energy in nuclear explosions complete in from about 10 microseconds to about 50 microseconds depending on the exact design used. How far a falling bomb might move in that time will depend on its velocity, but this distance will be insignificant compared to the diameter of the fireball.

When a strongly conditioned CS is used to make another stimulus into a second CS the effect is known as?

Second-order conditioning.

How is time measured in the metric system?

Time is measured in seconds in the metric system. It is the base unit for time, with larger units such as minutes and hours being multiples of seconds. There are also smaller units such as milliseconds and microseconds that are used to measure shorter periods of time.

What is the 555 oscillator circuit?

LM555 is a timer it can be used for many applications not only oscillators. the timing can be setup from microseconds to hours by the right choice of external passive components. Timing is set precisely by laser controlling a voltage divider as .639. So while the chip is precise the external components are not. but that is used to begin a design.

What is the used of the second molar?

it sits there and chews food, dummies! and to make brushing even longer

What are milliseconds microseconds nanoseconds?

Milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds are units of time measurement used to express durations that are very short. One millisecond (ms) is equal to 0.001 seconds, one microsecond (µs) is equal to 0.000001 seconds, and one nanosecond (ns) is equal to 0.000000001 seconds. These units are commonly used in fields such as computing, electronics, and telecommunications.

Why are the units used to measure time?

planck times picoseconds nanoseconds microseconds milliseconds seconds minutes hours days months years decades generations centuries millennia eras eons

What is second home ownership?

Many homeowners look forward to purchasing a second home that can be used for vacations, rental income, investment purposes or as a primary residence during retirement. Current tax laws offer several tax breaks that can help make second-home ownership more affordable