Well, isn't that a lovely question! You see, a sievert is actually made up of 1,000,000 microsieverts. It's like having a big happy family of microsieverts all coming together to create a wonderful sievert. Just remember, whether big or small, each one plays an important role in keeping us safe and healthy.
You don't A count per second is a measure of how many decays occur within a second. A sievert is a measure of the dose equivalent. This requires knowledge of the isotope, the organism or part of the organism which is receiving the dose, the weight of the organism and the weighting factors which accompany them.
There are infinitely many.
how many anchoives are in a can
The no. of entities that can be associated with another entity. For eg. 1-1, 1-many, many-1 and many-many
The word many is an adjective (many, more, most), an indefinite pronoun (a pronoun that does not refer to a specific person, thing or amount), and a noun. Example uses:Adjective: Many people like that program.Pronoun: Many do like that program.Noun: A program for the many but not for me.
1 sievert is equal to 1000 millisieverts.
One sievert is equivalent to 100 rem (Roentgen equivalent man).
Hans-Heinrich Sievert was born in 1909.
Rolf Maximilian Sievert died in 1966.
Rolf Maximilian Sievert was born in 1896.
Sievert Allen Rohwer died in 1951.
Sievert Allen Rohwer was born in 1887.
Hans-Heinrich Sievert died in 1963.
Ludwig Sievert was born on May 17, 1887, in Hannover, Germany.
Ludwig Sievert died on December 11, 1966, in Munich, Germany.
José Joaquín Chaverri Sievert was born in 1949.