For short bursts, some small ones may achieve 25 mph. Large ones probably 7/8 mph
If you run 3.5 mph how long does it take you to run 67 feet? 4.0 miles per hour and all speeds, in 0.5 mph increments up to 8.5 miles per hour?
how many minutes is in 3 miles
A marathon runner certainly can; that is 1 mile in 7.5 minutes. That is a bit fast for the average person, however, to keep up that pace for 12 miles
All I know is that the average male can go up to 5 miles per hour. !
1. Get list of the 13 colonies. 2. Look up each colony on the internet and identify the sq miles of each. Write down. 3. Add the sq miles together and you will have your answer.
Up to 60 miles an hour for 20 seconds duration
Up to 7 miles a day
Dogs have different speeds so it depends on what kind of dog you are talking about. Usually an alligator can run faster than a dog, so i think that the answer is yes an alligator can run faster than a dog. **Most dogs can easily out run an alligator. This ancient predator uses stelth to capture its prey, then with its powerful jaws it holds on to the prey in a viselike grip and pulls the prey into the water to drown it. A dog may not be able to out run an alligator when it strikes in this manner but if in a race the dog will most likely win. All dogs (with the exception of some so-called 'Pedigree Dogs' which have been bred so intensively that they no longer function like their true Canine counterparts, and those dogs with wheels for hind legs) will run faster than an Alligator. Alligators have very little stamina for chases. "Usually an alligator can run faster than a dog" - This statement is nonsense. However most Alligators (except those with wheels for hind legs) can out-run you. So if you are walking your dog near Alligators, your dog will most likely be fine, and it will be you that ends up as supper.
Up to 75 miles if they run for 12 hours without a break.
They can run as fast as a horse, which can be from 35 to 40 miles per hour.
A person can run up to fifty mile when exercising.
2 miles CORRECT ANSWER: Elephants can reach speeds up to 15 m.p.h.
'Kill the Alligator and Run' (episode 19, season 11).
A solo driver could potentially run up to 200,000 miles in a year. 100,000 - 150,000 is a bit more realistic, though.
alligators can move up to 30mph an hour so if you are running from one you should run in a zig zag path because its hard for alligators to make turns
16.5 mile per hour
because ther skine