7 months, 15 days are 32688 minutes, 328320 minutes, 329760 minutes or 331200 minutes depending upon which are the 7 months and if it is a leap year. An "average" based on the total minutes for one year is approx 328403 minutes.
365 days x 24 hrs/day = 8760 hours in one year8760 hours x 60 min/hour = 525,600 minutes in one year525,600 minutes x 60 sec/min = 31,536,000 seconds in one year
To work this out we need to convert minutes into years, so that everything in the question uses the same units. There are 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, and roughly 365.25 days in a year. This means each year has 525,960 minutes. 1,000,000/525,960 = 1.90... So you were 1 year old by the time you had lived one million minutes.
2008 was a leap year. 366x24x60 is 527,040 minutes
one orbit of the sun = 365.2425 days = 31 556 952 seconds
One year is about 525,949 minutes.
1 year = 525948.77 minutes
One year is about 525,949 minutes.
This can easily be figured out with some easy math! First, let's figure out how many hours are in a year-- one year is 365 days, and one day is 24 hours. So, we multiply 24 hours by 365 days so we know how many 24-hour-time-periods there are in one year. 24X365= 8760 So if there are 8769 hours in one year, and one hour is 60 minutes, we can then find out how many minutes in one year by multiplying 60 by 8760. 60X8760= 525600 So a basic year is 525600 minutes, just as the Rent song tells us. Now, we divide 1,000,000 minutes by 525600 minutes, so we know how many 525600 units (i.e., years) there are in 1,000,000 minutes. 1000000/525600=1.902587... So, when we've lived one million minutes, we are just about two years old. If there is a leap year involved, about 2 years old is a pretty good estimate!
525,600 minutes
7 months, 15 days are 32688 minutes, 328320 minutes, 329760 minutes or 331200 minutes depending upon which are the 7 months and if it is a leap year. An "average" based on the total minutes for one year is approx 328403 minutes.
525,948 minutes and 45.96 seconds.
545,760 minutes
There are 525,600 minutes in a year.
There are 525,600 minutes in a year!
30 minutes for everyday,for one year is 10,950 .
The are 52 weeks in an earth year, 365 days and i can say that there is 525,600 minutes in 1 earth year.