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Q: How many null branches are there in a binary tree with 20 nodes?
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How many groups can you make out of 36?

Counting the null set, you can make 236 = 68,719,476,736 subsets. This assumes that you do not mean group in the context of Group Theory because to answer that it would be necessary to have more information about the 36 elements and the binary operation defined for the group.

What is null vector?

NULL VECTOR::::null vector is avector of zero magnitude and arbitrary direction the sum of a vector and its negative vector is a null vector...

If we reject the null hypothesis what can we conclude about the alpha risk?

If we reject the null hypothesis, we conclude that the alternative hypothesis which is the alpha risk is true. The null hypothesis is used in statistics.

What causes hypothesis to be rejected?

We have two types of hypothesis i.e., Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis. we take null hypothesis as the same statement given in the problem. Alternative hypothesis is the statement that is complementary to null hypothesis. When our calculated value is less than the tabulated value, we accept null hypothesis otherwise we reject null hypothesis.

Can you not reject null hypothesis?

you do not need to reject a null hypothesis. If you don not that means "we retain the null hypothesis." we retain the null hypothesis when the p-value is large but you have to compare the p-values with alpha levels of .01,.1, and .05 (most common alpha levels). If p-value is above alpha levels then we fail to reject the null hypothesis. retaining the null hypothesis means that we have evidence that something is going to occur (depending on the question)

Related questions

A binary tree with 20 nodes has null branches equals?

A binary tree with n nodes has exactly n+1 null nodes or Null Branches. so answer is 21. MOHAMMAD SAJID

What is NULL branches in trees?

In a decision tree data structure, a NULL branch is a decision that has no outcome. The maximum possible number of null branches is equal to n + 1, where n is the number of nodes.

Is null node equal to leaf node?

No. A leaf node is a node that has no child nodes. A null node is a node pointer that points to the null address (address zero). Since a leaf node has no children, its child nodes are null nodes.

What is the Algorithm to count the number of leaf nodes in binary tree?

int countleaves(struct node* root){ if(root!=null) { countleaves(root->left); if(root->left==NULL&&root->right==NULL) { count++; } countleaves(root->right); } }

Explain in detail in a binary tree of n nodes there are n plus 1 null pointers representing children?

Induction: 1. A tree of one node has two NULL-pointers. 2. Whenever you add a node to a tree, you remove one NULL-pointer (from the parent of the new node), and add two (the child's of the new node) in the same time.

How binary tree is represented as doubly link list?

In this representation, each node contains two pointers, one pointing to its parent (null in the case of root node) and the other pointing to its child node (null in the case of leaf nodes).

What is the algorithm to count no of nodes in singly linked list?

int numNodes = 0; Node current = root; // if root is null, the number of nodes is 0 if(current != null) { // if root is not null, we have at least one node numNodes = 1; // count all nodes while(current .next != null) { ++numNodes; current =; } }

How many types of tree in data structure?

1. Binary Tree 2. Null Tree 3. High&Low Balance Tree . . .

What is recursive algorithm to find the height of a binary search tree with n numbers of nodes?

Really the best way to traverse any binary tree is recursion. In this case we are going to be some node defined as having 3 values, a pointer to a left node, a pointer to a right node, and a value. then in psudocode we can do it as: int height(node n, int depth){ int leftDepth; int rightDepth; if(n.left != NULL) leftDepth = height(n.left, depth+1) else leftDepth = depth; if(n.right != NULL) rightDepth = height(n.right, depth+1) else rightDepth = depth; if(leftDepth > rightDepth) return leftDepth; return rightDepth; } Essentially what you are doing is calling the algorithm on both the left and right nodes which in turn will call it on their left and right nodes, down to where all the nodes are null. Then what is returned is the greater depth of the two; because it will traverse before returning a depth, and only traverses if there is a deeper node, it will return the depth of the deepest node, or the height of the binary tree.

How to Print data of all nodes of linked list?

for (node=head; node!=null; node=node->next) printnode(node);

Source code to determine if two binary trees are mirror similar?

int arvoresEspelhadas(ArvoreBinaria a, ArvoreBinaria b) { if ((a == NULL) && (b == NULL)) { return 0; //ambas vazias } if ((a == NULL) (b == NULL)) { return 1; } return (( == && arvoresEspelhadas (a->esq, b->dir) && arvoresEspelhadas(a->dir, b->esq); }

How many pages does The World of Null-A have?

The World of Null-A has 246 pages.