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EASY! A penny is worth 1 cent

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Q: How many pennies make one cent?
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How pennies make a cent?


How many pennies in a roll of pennies?

There are fifty coins in a roll of US one cent coins, casually called pennies.

how many pennies make up 100 dollars?

A penny is worth 1 cent. You will have to collect 100 pennies to equal a dollar. Since there are 100 pennies in one dollar, you can find out how many pennies are in 100 dollars by multiplying the 100 pennies by 100 as follows: 100 pennies x 100 = 10,000 pennies

How many ways are there to make 9 cents?

In the US, only two ways: one nickel and four pennies or nine pennies. If there were a two cent piece (as there was at one time in Britain) it would make the question more interesting.

What 13 coins make up 58 cent?

5. One 50 cent piece, one nickel and three pennies

What is the greatest number of coins needed to make 35 cent?

The greatest number - would be 35 pennies (one-cent pieces)

How many ways are there to make 50 cents with 12 coins?

In the US, only one -- 5 pennies, 5 nickels, 2 dimes (5+25+20).If you have 20-cent (20 pence) coins : 10 pennies, 2 20-cent

What 5 coins make 17 cents?

3 five cent nickels (is that what you call them) and 2 one cent coins

How many pennies are in .50?

There are 50 pennies in 50 cents. Since there are 100 pennies in a dollar, half a dollar would be equivalent to 50 pennies. Therefore, there are 50 pennies in 50 cents.

How many pennies in 440000?

There are 440,000 pennies in 440,000. Pennies are the smallest denomination of currency in the United States, and each one represents one cent. Therefore, when you have 440,000 pennies, you have 440,000 cents or $4,400.

What is an 1865 2 cent penny worth?

There are pennies and there were 2 cent coins but they're not the same. Pennies are one cent coins. Please determine which one you have and check the Related Questions.

How many pennies in 50 cents?

Each penny is worth one cent, so there are 50 pennies in 50 cents.