4 pieces took 3 cuts.5 pieces will take 4 cuts.4 cuts requires (4/3) as much time as 3 cuts took= (4/3) x 12 = 16 seconds.
A log would need three cuts to make four pieces. Here are 4 pieces. The "." represents each of the cuts. =.=.=.= So, 3 cuts at 3.20 per cut is 9.60 3 x 3.20 = 9.60
well the answer is 16.
A pizza can be cut into eleven pieces with 4 straight cuts if an X is cut, then the rest of the pizza is cut starting from the right and working to the left in four straight lines.
Cut a pizza into 2 using one straight cut. Stack the pieces and make a straight cut: you now have 22 = 4 pieces from 2 cuts. Stack these and make a straight cut: you now have 23 = 8 pieces from 3 cuts. Continue. After 7 cuts you can have 27 = 128 pieces. You can reduce the number of pieces to 29 if, after the fourth cut, you stack and cut only 11 pieces and thereafter cut just one each time. There are other options which give the same result.
4 pieces took 3 cuts.5 pieces will take 4 cuts.4 cuts requires (4/3) as much time as 3 cuts took= (4/3) x 12 = 16 seconds.
Don't make straight cuts.
A log would need three cuts to make four pieces. Here are 4 pieces. The "." represents each of the cuts. =.=.=.= So, 3 cuts at 3.20 per cut is 9.60 3 x 3.20 = 9.60
You would have 8 pieces of cake. A: I can make ten pieces.
well the answer is 16.
One to Six
A pizza can be cut into eleven pieces with 4 straight cuts if an X is cut, then the rest of the pizza is cut starting from the right and working to the left in four straight lines.
Assuming the pieces are not rearranged so that more than one piece is cut at a time, then: 5 pieces requires cuts, so each cut takes 20 minutes/4 each. 10 pieces require 9 cuts, therefore they will take 20/4 × 9 minutes = 45 minutes.
6901 LaTijera Blvd.
Cut a pizza into 2 using one straight cut. Stack the pieces and make a straight cut: you now have 22 = 4 pieces from 2 cuts. Stack these and make a straight cut: you now have 23 = 8 pieces from 3 cuts. Continue. After 7 cuts you can have 27 = 128 pieces. You can reduce the number of pieces to 29 if, after the fourth cut, you stack and cut only 11 pieces and thereafter cut just one each time. There are other options which give the same result.
an infinite number