28 qt.
10gal 3 qt simplest form is 18 gal 2 qt
4 gal and 2 qts
9 gals and 7 qts
there are 4 qt per gallon so 28/4 is 7 7 gallons
That's 18 qt less 7 qt ie 11 qt = 2 gal 3 qt
14 gal 2 qt
28 qt.
10gal 3 qt simplest form is 18 gal 2 qt
4 gal and 2 qts
9 gals and 7 qts
7 of them.
1 and 3/4 gal. = 7 qt.
This can be simply solved by first converting all terms into quarts 7gal=28qt+ 2qt= 30qt and 3gal=12qt+ 3qt=15 qt, next simply subtract the 2 ammounts and you are left with 15qt or 3gal 3qt. *** HINT*** 1 gallon = 4 quarts
1 gal 2 qt 3 pt + 1 gal 3 qt 7 pt + 1 gal 3 qt 3 pt _______________ 3 gal 8 qt 13 pt = 6 gal 2 qt 1 pt
There are four quarts to a gallon. 7 quarts = 1 3/4 gallon.
7 gallons = 28 quarts